habit at home

original juice recipes
+ cleanse guide





Since 2016 The Habit Project has served tens of thousands of bottles of cold-pressed juice across the Fraser Valley! Not only are our juice recipes highly nutritious, but in our completely unbiased opinion, they’re also some of the best tasting cold-pressed juices available.

For years we’ve protected these secret recipes under lock and key, until we had an epiphany that changed everything. Withholding our recipes wasn’t actually helping us accomplish our mission of making healthy habits easy. In many cases quickly grabbing a bottle of fresh, cold-pressed juice from our cooler is the easiest way to flood your body with nutrients, but what if you can’t get into the shop or your budget doesn’t have room for premium, local, cold-pressed juice? That didn’t sound so easy.

That’s why we decided to remove all barriers. No more gatekeeping.

By unlocking our hidden recipes you’re getting the opportunity to implement this healthy habit in a way that works for you. Make it at home with a juicer, use your high-speed blender, or come by the shop for your favourite bottle. Whatever suits YOUR lifestyle.

We love making healthy habits easier so you can feel even better than you look. We hope this makes adopting those habits just a little bit easier for you.

Kim Moran

what to expect

Habit’s Original Juice Recipes + Cleanse Guide is fully equipped to set you up for success in your at home juicing journey!

For years we protected these secret recipes under lock and key, until now!

Now you can get Habit juice right in your own kitchen with Habit’s signature juice recipes with instructions to make fresh juice in a juicer or a blender!


  • All NINE of Habit’s cold-pressed juice recipes

  • An at home cleanse guide using Habit’s very own in-store cleanse instructions

  • A 1-day or 3-day cleanse shopping list

  • A guide on how to cleanse + detox

  • The WHY behind our passion for cold-pressed juice

  • An in-depth explanation of the ingredients we use + preparation

  • Juicing methods + how each method varies in quality


A slow juicer (masticating juicer) presses the fruits and vegetables through a chute and are slowly squeezed through a sharp, mesh screen at 80-100 RPM.

We use the Hurom H400 Easy Clean juicer in our home kitchens. It’s easy to use, easier to clean than most home juicers and can make great quality juice at home!

To receive 10% off on the Hurom website use code: HABIT10